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College Survival 101: Navigating through a Pandemic

by Eunice Serna

1. Set short-term goals.

Scrap the lengthy To-Do Lists, that only leave you feeling overwhelmed; instead, set goals for yourself that you can achieve within the day, or the next 4 hours. Make sure to be realistic with the short-term goals you set for yourself; and that means, include time slots for taking rests and breaks. We’re human and we need some downtime, as much as we need to work. What you take note of doesn’t all have to be school-related. You can allot time for other hobbies or things you’d like to achieve before the end of the day. You don’t even have to write it down; taking mental notes can do, if that’s what works best for you. Remember, it’s all about taking things one step at a time.

2. Go outside.

Whether it’s at your porch/terrace/garden/balcony, around your neighborhood, or out-out with your friends/family, always allow yourself to catch some sunlight and leisure-time outdoors. Just make sure you keep yourself, people outside, and your household members safe by practicing great hygiene habits and following safety precautions. Staying indoors for long periods of time can take a toll on your overall well being. With this ongoing 2-year pandemic, the last thing we want is to be unhealthy.

3. Switch-up your working environment.

You may already have a designated desk or workspace in your home where you usually sit and get all your tasks done; but, it can start to feel repetitive and dreadful having to see the same corner of the wall after a while. Switch-up your working environment by adding or re-organizing some elements. Even better, try working at different areas in your home. This allows you to feel more comfortable and organic while getting learning tasks done.

4. Take Rests.

Hustle culture should not be romanticized. Between your busy schedule, tasks, and errands that you have to do, take some time to wind down and relax your mind from school-work. Take a nap if you need to, watch a film or binge on some youtube videos. Do whatever you have to and can do to rest. Rest should not be treated as an award, but rather an essential part of being human and staying healthy.

5. Be patient with yourself.

It’s been rough. Since that first announcement of what was supposed to be a two-week lockdown, that has now become a two-year and counting pandemic, we’ve all gone through a lot of changes and adjustments. The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us, and that’s something we sometimes need to remind ourselves more of. We’re all in need of little patience and kindness. Plus, if you’re reading this, you’re probably tucked in bed, laying on your couch, or sat at your dining table at home, trying to figure out how to buy time-off from your pile of work, That in itself is a much better position than what a lot of homeless and poor people are going through right now. If you’re reading this, that means you have access to some sort of gadget. Hey, we’re all just coping with the times. Be kinder and more patient to yourself, as much as you are to other people. With that being said, I wish you the best of luck, and stay safe <3


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